Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mailee+Black Sharpie Marker = FUN

Last week while planting our garden (I was using the Sharpie to write on the stakes) I went around the corner to plant the squash, and Mailee found the marker. I was gone about two minutes and returned to the above pictures. I started busting up laughing, but Brent didn't think it was so funny (his sense of humour is not as um...developed as Mailee's and mine!) We had some pretty funny comments at church the next day, because that stuff does not come off. She still has it all over her legs and tummy 5 days later! Luckily I caught her before she got to Carson!

Don't you love the troll feet? :)


Jan said...

Oh, my! Jacque, you are a wonderful, wonderful mama if your reaction was to crack up with her. I LOVE that. I'm sure I'd been yelling and hollering and making a terrible memory for her. You are the BEST. I love it.

Jacob and Emily said...

Hahaha.. I bet your mom loves this picture! I can see you as a little girl doing the same thing! I still can't stop laughing! Who would have thought to color their feet!? That's pretty good!